劳动力转换 is the powerhouse of business resilience 

HR must transform workforce planning models and people practices to meet future organisational strategies.

The last five years have seen far-reaching change in people practices, organisational structures and the financial models that drive businesses of all sizes and sectors.

新型冠状病毒肺炎, 地缘政治不稳定, shifts in consumer behaviour and digitisation are just some of the factors that are driving change and will continue to do so for the future.

作为一种敏捷方法,要长期繁荣, 弹性组织, businesses are having to rethink every aspect of how they operate.

That ranges from their company purpose and corporate objectives, 通过改变他们吸引的方式, 留住和发展他们的员工.

劳动力转换 requires root and branch review of every aspect of employment, from where people work and the types of job that they do, 确定未来的技能需求.

To succeed for the future means creating a resilient workforce and rethinking the employee value proposition in a hugely competitive talent market.


Transforming the way that people work can seem like a daunting proposition, particularly when employees and HR must continue business-as-usual alongside radical change.

It can help to think about transformation around five key principles:

  1. 与企业价值观保持一致
    HR strategies need to align with organisational goals to achieve business aims. 随着企业价值观和目标的发展, 劳动力必须跟上步伐, 以及驱动这些变化的相关因素.
  2. 员工的能力
    The social and economic factors behind business change have also given employees more power to determine where they want to work, 以及如何. Flexible working practices that were a necessity in the pandemic must now be reshaped into ongoing people strategies that form part of everyday working lives and job design.
  3. 未来技能需求
    As businesses reposition themselves and introduce new products or services, 他们需要的技能也会改变. 了解未来的技能需求, 还有招聘计划, 或者在当前的劳动力中发展这些技能, 对战略性劳动力规划至关重要.
  4. 参与不断变化的工作环境
    变化带来机遇, but it can also be unsettling for employees who may worry that their expertise is no longer valid, 或者不确定他们的角色会如何变化. 保持人们的参与和信息, 尽可能让他们参与进来, 并提供一致的, authentic messaging is essential to develop and maintain engagement.
  5. 员工福利
    The pace of change combined with personal and professional pressures through Covid has put employees’ wellbeing under strain. That creates risks both for individuals and the organisation as a whole. Building a culture of looking after people and genuinely caring for their wellbeing helps them to thrive for the long term.



HR teams of every size and in every industry sector need to act on the principles of workforce transformation today.

有弹性的, agile people strategies mean businesses can future-proof themselves in changing markets and achieve growth through planned, 长期趋势和短期动荡.

利用数据的力量, understand your employees and maintain board-level influence to deliver authentic workforce transformation.

  • 站在员工的角度看问题

    探索职场经验, 比如人才流程, 从员工的角度来看, 以及从运营人力资源的角度来看.

    • How do employees seek and understand opportunity in your organisation?
    • How easy is it for prospective employees to discover your company culture?
    • 这种文化有多真实?
  • 重新评估员工价值主张(EVP)

    传统上,evp都是一刀切的, 但随着劳动力变得更加多样化, EVPs must recognise the different personas in the workplace, 他们的优先事项和需求, 甚至到了evp变得个性化的程度. 关键问题包括:

    • What do employees want in terms of career development?
    • 他们想培养什么样的技能?
    • 学习应该如何传递?
    • What cultures and behaviours do they expect in the workplace?
    • 员工福利如何才能有效?
    • 哪些员工福利适合他们的个人需求?
  • 创造一种重新学习技能的文化

    While organisations may need to recruit for some of the new skills they will require to reshape the business, part of workforce transformation is ensuring that the existing workforce has the training opportunities, 心态和途径重新技能和提高技能.

    • 你未来需要什么技能?
    • How will you create an agile, flexible organisation that can respond quickly to market changes?
    • How can you create a culture where reskilling is the norm?
  • 成为数据驱动

    As HR further establishes itself as a board-level discipline, 数据将成为未来战略的驱动力.

    • What data does HR need to be able to shape future business strategy?
    • What skills and tools does the HR function need to analyse that data?
    • Can that information be used to tell compelling stories to the rest of the business?
  • 让HR为未来做好准备

    To maintain the momentum of workforce transformation requires a refreshed, 更新和重新激活人力资源职能.

    • What are the future skills needs of HR 以及如何 will these be delivered?
    • 人力资源部门如何创造和维持董事会层面的影响力?
    • What does the future structure of the HR function look like, 这将如何支持业务需求?

Six in 10 employers are anticipating change to their employment models to incorporate more flexible employment contracts

